Hello there,

I'm not new to this forum, but today I decided to join!

I live in the Netherlands and I'm a straight razor shaver since the eighties (I'm fifty years old).

I shave straight razor only.

In due time I wil post pictures of my daily rotation. I have a Bismarck registered 6/8, a Le Grelot Champignon 6/8. These are my two favorites by far. Then I have a Thiers Issard Spartacus 6/8 and a Pass Solingen 7/8, the latter is a gift from my wife. Further more I have a Mann & Federlein Mannos (extra fine) 6/8. The only wedge right now in my daily rotation is a Veritable Brossard Rasoir Special pour Barbe Dure 5/8.

And I have a question right on: do you guys shave with only your right hand (as a 'right hander') or do you take over with your left hand when you shave the left side of your face? I don't take over: right hand only.