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Thread: New bowls ordered to fit more soaps into my shaving rotation

  1. #1
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Default New bowls ordered to fit more soaps into my shaving rotation


    I decided to invest in about 6 new bowls (most with lids) for storing some more of my rotation soaps. Like you gents, I have SO many pucks of soap, it's ridiculous. I need to start putting more in regular rotation so I can go through them (hopefully) within my lifetime. No heirloom quality bowls needed here, I already have a few of those. What I needed now was reasonably inexpensive multiple bowls.

    I ordered these (two to start) wooden bowls from Amazon because they now have a manufacturer that is selling them for just under $6.00 each.

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    I am hoping they are the same or near same quality as similar bowls I have purchased in this style that were $15 each. If so, I may order more.

    To have variety in some of the bowls design apart when they had lids on them , I ordered these $10 bowls as well;

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    I also tried the Qshave stainless bowl that was delivered yesterday, very pleased with the quality for just under $10;

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    I also ordered a few of these deep bowls (no lids but the wooden lids that come with the above bowls happen to fit). I needed these for the rather thick shaving soap pucks I recently bought from Humprey's Handmade Soaps. None of my regular bowls will fit these thick pucks and be able to put lids on them. Yes, I know I could cut the pucks down to fit, but I'd rather not;

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    I really have to put the brakes on soaps and creames for a very long time. I'm truly at maximum density on shaving soaps, and I probably have a dozen tubes of cream I have to get through as well. SWMBO tells me I could outfit an entire platoon of soldiers with shaving equipment for a 10 year tour of duty. Probably true.
    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  2. #2
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Late last night (in fact, early this morning) I was searching for the website of a soap manufacturer (small, private, artisanal) from whom I used to purchase "regular" soaps... and soap bowls! (those $6 ones from Amazon)

    I had to go back to a June 2007 backup CD, and then into an even older "bookmarks.html" file, in order to find the URL. And then what happened, JB? This past July, having reached her ±mid-80s, she retired and closed the store! (Old Dominion Soap Company)

    So, would you please grace us/me with a link to these beauties?

    Me: Coincidence?
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    I'd give it all up, for just a little more.

  3. #3
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Nice looking bowls!
    ZipZop likes this.
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  4. The Following User Says Thank You to rolodave For This Useful Post:

    ZipZop (08-13-2020)

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