Right there with ya Elevensies too !:) I'm off to drudgery now...have a good day you guys !
Well I will be to bed soon, feel like an owl, your all waking up and stuff, and I have to go sleepies.
A bit of porridge for breakfast this morning, sweetened with blueberries placed artistically on top to form a stylised map of Australia and including our Kiwi cousins Land of the long white cloud...Alright so I'm not much of a sculptor in porridge and fruit, but I'm not too bad with a pencil and paper.
Attachment 137039
Glad it appeals to your sense of grandiloquence, your gasconaded mate (geez I love flipping through the thesaurus :)). ;)
I may very well have some porridge for supper tonight...That looks fantastic. You are the quintessential pontification of early dawn culinary artisianal endeavors(Pinky extended) Ha...I didn't need no Terantosorris fer that. What's dinosores got's ta do wid it anyway ???????:thinking:
My, but that's a lot of big words you be using, and we ain't nought but 'umble Pyrate's around 'ere...My thor-arse only gives words and not meanings, so I don't know what the hell I said in my previous post. I just reckoned it sounded good. :) And you so did not invent blueberries Ed! Kangaroo's did! :D
I offered my kids Corn-flakes, Weet-Bix, Porridge, toast and baked-beans or any combination of the list for dinner tonight...Anything, but Noooo, The little so and so's were not going to accept any of that. The only damn thing left was curried chicken and rice. How I hate curry!
[QUOTE=MickR;1191896]My, but that's a lot of big words you be using, and we ain't nought but 'umble Pyrate's around 'ere...My thor-arse only gives words and not meanings, so I don't know what the hell I said in my previous post. I just reckoned it sounded good. :) And you so did not invent blueberries Ed! Kangaroo's did! :D
by the power of Google, I discovered that gasconade was a frenchie who pretty much won a war on his own by his own accounts, so is now used to mean someone who is boastful, or it is a place in Missouri.
In much the same way as I am trying to introduce "carling" to mean indecisive. :-)