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Thread: Gastro-d bag people are taking over the world!!!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Gastro-d bag people are taking over the world!!!

    I am sure that some of you have noticed how the price of beef has gone up in the last couple of years. Some of that is supposedly attributable to the increase in feed prices because of competition from corn from the companies making ethanol for fulel. But another thing that has happened is that cheap cuts of meat like brisket and tri-tip are bringing top dollar because they have become popular because of the "competition" BBQ and chili craze. $7 or more a pound for meat that you have to run over with a steam roller and leave in your clothes dryer for 3 days on the perma press setting to make it edible. Well, i have truly seen proof that the gastro-douchey people have taken over the market. I was at my Publix supermarket today and I saw beef bones cut up into two inch long pieces, labelled as "marrow bones" and priced at $2 a pound. That which you used to be able to get for your dog for free is not $2 a pound even thought 75% of the weight is waste just because some celebrity chef told you that you should be cooking these bones and eating the marrow with a special spoon. Oh, and cheap stew meat is now $6 a pound and ox tails for even more. Peasant food at premium prices. And you thought organic eggs were a scam? Oy!!!
    Last edited by JDM61; 03-29-2015 at 03:58 AM.
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