Right out of Rombauer's book of the same title, page 667& 668 ...... Did a beef stock with marrow bones, carrots, celery, onion and garlic last night. Strained through a chinouis and chilled overnight. Picked the chilled fat off of the stock with a spoon, then used a sieve to get the small bits out. Browned the roast on all sides, in the rondeau, with fat rendered from the stock.

Removed the meat to a platter and dumped in the veggies + a cup of stock, and a 1/2 cup of Gallo Burgundy. Added a bay leaf and brought to a boil. Reduced heat, returned meat to the mix, and it is now on simmer until done. Couple of hours probably. I'm doing boiled potato on the side and bon appetit !

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