Geeze Chad....yer as bad as me as far as sleep logic goes.
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Well...........I'm goin to make a pot of tea and a big pot of chicken rice soup.Return of the living dead is on,so I'll talk to you guys in a bit . Cheers !
I have noticed that Chamomile is curing my insomnia, not tea.
Try chamonile instead of tea late at night and you will probably see a difference.
Been working on a recent watercolor. Having some Tangerine Black tea and listening to some classic Iranian music that my neighbor recorded on a cd for me. He plays the violin on the cd. Good stuff sahib !:)
slur, i appreciate the advice. insomnia isnt normally my problem, i have shift work sleep disorder, basically my internal clock is never on the right time. i have been working 12 hr night shifts for the past 13 years, so i am pretty much a sleep deprived mess for half the week, the other half, i sleep most of the time. so you get why im up and down.
Just had a couple of cups with a friend.
First one of those mini sample pu er, then a favourite, Formosa Tarry Lapsang Souchong Crocodile. Both in YiXing pots.
I will take pics next time promise :o
Our daughter just saw that I'm a senior member here. She thought that it is very funny that I'm a senior.
I get it my friend.
I just prepared myself a nice pot of chamomile to calm myself a bit
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