All's how it goes. A) I was raised by a Scot from Glasgow since I was 13.In between then and now I've known a bunch of Irish,Scots and and English or two Plus a light spreadin of Aussies. So A scone to me is a scone Not only that, B) There is a definite textural difference tween a scone and an amercian biscuit and I can tell that difference easily. C) I am also in the habit of using the term cookie and biscuit interchangeably for what Americans call cookies and I know the difference between a biscuit and a biscuit when I'm in the presence of either Americans or Europeans......Is everybody following me so far here ? Kay.........Now .......I like my biscuits (American,loaded with butt'r or gravy whether it's sausage , red eye or brown or even chicken and turkey gravy or Mollasses got it. I like me scones loaded with Butt'r, jam and clotted or double cream. Got it ? Good. I love biscuits from the bisuit tin for tea and I can out eat any O you lot when It comes to Peanut butter cookies or oatmeal it ...? Good !...Now then..............any questions ??? .:w Oh and shortbread to me is biscuits by the by. Lest My Scottish relatives come back from the hereafter and haunt me.