Hi,I'm quite new to straight razor shaving.
There is one thing i dont understand . Why dont all razors dissasemble for cleaning?
I am a bit OCD on the cleaning front, ill admit.
I started my straight razor shaving career with a Dovo. Cleaning it the best i could after each shave. Then i started to buy the Hart Steel razors. They come with a hex nut system which allows you to completely dissasemble the razor blade from the scales, clean and oil all the parts.
I've since bought new scales for my Dovo and a nut n bolt system for it, so i can clean it properly after every shave. When i first removed the original scales i was shocked to find so many hairs hidden around the pin area.
Surely every sraight razor should allow full dissasembley?
I dread to think about what collects in straight razors after a few years..
Am i rite or am i rite