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Thread: Neutrogena shaving products

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Jack0458's Avatar
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    Default Neutrogena shaving products

    Short story: I was at Shemya AFB in Alaska many years ago. They had a civilian contractor who did all the cleaning in the chow hall (restaurant in civilian talk ). They hire GI's who want a part time job for extra cash. I worked washing dishes in VERY HOT WATER. While we would wear heavy gloves our skin would dry out and crack. The cracks would turn into sores no matter what we did to heal them. No hand cream worked at all except Neutrogena. And it worked so well it was amazing. End of story.

    Since the Neutrogena worked so well on my hands I got some Neutrogena "Razor Defense Face-Scrub" the other day when I was in Wal Mart. I got some post-shave lotion also. I assume the face scrub cleans my skin as well as moistens the whiskers. I do wash it off though before shaving. Then I have also used Castle Forbes pre-shave. I also have some Arko pre-shave that I don't care for as much. Not 100% sure about that though. I only used it once and I don't think one try is a good indicator. Also, I'm wondering if one pre-shave works better with cold lather shaves and another works better with warm water shaves. I've considered writing down each routine or product combination when I shave. Otherwise I don't remember what I used from one shave to another. Don't know the exact figures but if I have 3 pre-shaves and 3 soaps and 3 creams and 3 after-shaves that equals about 47 million different combinations or something. I still remember the "good-ole-days" when all I had was a bag of disposable razors and a can of Gillette foam. Anyway, the Neutrogena seems to be working really well so far. It's also nice to be able to just go to the store and get it instead of ordering stuff on the internet. Especially products I haven't tried yet. Even with recommendations here I still don't know if a product will be one I like. I'm 57 years old and haven't found a shaving product that will make me handsome again.
    Trimmy72 likes this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Dzanda's Avatar
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    I've used Neutrogena products, including their shaving stuff, for years. They make good stuff. For whatever reason, I stopped using the shaving products when I stopped using cartridge razors. I still have them, so I think that I'll give them a try with my straights.

    Thanks for the reminder!
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Not to throw another product in the mix for you to try but have you ever tried Nivea? The hand cream is the only one I've used that kept my hands from drying out over the winter months, it absorbed with out leaving a grease slick that others I've tried seem to do (really annoying to me). Their after shave is good too, not a fan of AS balms of any brand.

  4. #4
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Used BAG BALM when I wintered in Wyoming. Single digit humidity, along with gale force wind and sub-freezing temps is rough on hands. Never tired it for shaving.

    According to WIKI, it has been used for a number of things other than which it was designed for.
    Bag Balm is a salve developed in 1899 to soothe irritation on cows' udders after milking.[1][2] The product is officially only meant for animals and is inspected as such by the United States Food and Drug Administration,[2] but it's also often used as a treatment for chapped and irritated skin on humans and can be found in places such as drugstores, ski resorts, online vendors, needlework stores, and of course farm and feed stores. Its uses are many, for example: "squeaky bed springs, psoriasis, dry facial skin, cracked fingers, burns, zits, diaper rash, saddle sores, sunburn, pruned trees, rifles, shell casings, bedsores and radiation burns."[2]
    It sure made the split skin feel better on your hands.

    I was blissfully unaware that Adm Byrd used it on his journey to the North Pole until today.
    Bag Balm was taken to the North Pole by Admiral Byrd, it was used by Allied troops in WWII (to protect weapons from rust), it was used at Ground Zero in New York after 9/11 for the paws of cadaver-sniffing dogs, and it has been used by American troops in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.[2]
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    I've tried most of the products mentioned here and I can tell you none of them come within a country mile of Obenauf's Leather Preservative. Yes, leather preservative. It is all natural, and I only have to use it twice a week. The other days of the week, I just use ordinary hand lotion.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wayne1963 View Post
    I've tried most of the products mentioned here and I can tell you none of them come within a country mile of Obenauf's Leather Preservative. Yes, leather preservative. It is all natural, and I only have to use it twice a week. The other days of the week, I just use ordinary hand lotion.
    It appears that they use only natural plant oils, anti-bacterial resin and beeswax. Now which do you use Work Boots, Apparel, or Furniture?
    Interesting, what made you try this?

  7. #7
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    Haven't tried it but was lucky enough go track down a barber supply store that has a lot of pre-shaves, soaps, creams and aftershave products.

    Maybe see if you can track one down around you and go take a look at their products?

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