I have been bowl lathering ever since I started shaving with a straight back in January but I tried face lathering for the first time this morning.
I have a shaving cream that doesn't seem to agree with me, but before throwing it out or giving it away I decided to try and face lather with it to see whether that makes any difference.
I was able to produce a very impressive lather with only a very small amount of shaving cream and it didn't seem to dry out on my face like my lather usually has a tendency to do. All in all my shave was significantly better than what I've previously achieved with that particular cream although it was still not quite as good as my usual bowl lathering with other creams.

How are your experiences with face/bowl lathering? Do you find that some creams work better with one method than the other, and do you see any difference in how quickly the lather dries on your face?