Hello Guys! First I want to thank Lynn and all those that support him with the creation and maintenance of this site. This is an excellent resource. Here is some background info on me and my dilemma. I am new to straight razor shaving. I am in the process of getting my list of supplies together and plan on purchasing everything this week. I typically get hot shaves from a few barbers I frequent. With that being said I keep a thin lined beard and mustache and love the straight, tight edges and smooth shave the barbers get with the straight razor. When they shave me they don't use shave creams or soaps; if they did they would not be able to see my beard clearly enough to get those precise edges, at least that is what I think. Instead they use some type of clear oily stuff and it appears to be diluted with water. I'm trying to figure out what that stuff is so I can purchase it. Does anyone have any idea? Thanks for the help.
