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Thread: Castle Forbes Shaving Cream lather (stupid question contained within)

  1. #1
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    Default Castle Forbes Shaving Cream lather (stupid question contained within)

    Hi all,

    I have been using AoS shaving creams (the one that come in a tub) for the better part of 5 years or so. I had been using them with my old cartridge. Around Christmas time, I made the leap to shaving with a straght razor and love it and have not looked back.

    About a month or so ago I went to a local cutlery shop that is noted for selling and honig razors and high end shaving supplies. I was very willing to be talked into trying some new shaving creams. I fell in love with the smell and feel of both the mint and sandle wood Castle Forbes shaving creams (I also purchased a new brush to upgrade from the AoS temporary brush I had been using previously). I humble asked the associate how I should use the brush to get a lather and apply the newly purchased shaving cream. I was told to use my finger, place a little on my right and left cheeks and chin and used the brush to lather and spread..

    Now I know that is probably incorrect, but I have not had the courage to ask the pantheon of shavers here this dumb question...Should I be using a mug to get the later with this product and if so, how much should be put in the mug?

    Thanks in advance!!!

  2. #2
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    I get a small amount on my finger and put it on the brush and work up the later in a bowl. Some people like face lathering, I am not one of them unless I am trying to save some time.

  3. #3
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    I suppose my method is sort of a hybrid. I put a small amount of cream on the brush and get the lather started in a heated scuttle with a fairly wet brush. Once the cream has had a chance to warm slightly I start making the lather in the scuttle (a bowl or mug works fine if you don't have a scuttle) and then switch to finishing the lather by working it into my whiskers with the brush. This gets my face well hydrated and yields a good lather for the first pass.

    After the initial lathering I put the brush back in the scuttle, give it a few swirls, and I have plenty of great, warm lather to use for the next pass.

    BTW, I think Castle Forbes is one of the best creams available, although it's usually Lime for me.
    Last edited by Bill S; 03-12-2012 at 02:51 PM.

  4. #4
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    It's whatever works for you, really. If the "finger dab" technique works go for it. Some load CF directly in the tub, others use a scooper (or a snurdler, if you like ), just as some will face lather while others will use a bowl. As you can see there is no "correct" way

    I will tell you that due to the thickness of CF it doesn't take much, a dab about the size of an almond should provide plenty of lather for a full 3 pass+ shave. And once you try it you'll be hooked lol

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yea, I always say a pea sized dollup is enough to shave a platoon.

    I usually just put in on the brush and build it on my face.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    I have tried it different ways.

    For face lathering, I have loaded the brush in the tub, but find that is not consistent. Some times it load too much others too little.

    The best way for me, is to put a small amount of ( almond size) into a warm scuttle and start working the lather with a medium wet brush, where I have to add some water to make it foamy and slick.

    The way the store clerk told you, would work also. However, I haven't tried that method yet. But I can see how it could work for face lathering.

    Double O

  7. #7
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    I personally use a mug because face lathering doesn't make sense to me. It would seem to me though, that face lathering would be allot harder on the brush.. Like I said, I don't do it, so I could be wrong. Like others have said, try both and see what you like. Thats what its all about anyway right!

  8. #8
    Pithy Yet Degenerate. ryanjewell's Avatar
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    A funny line I remember reading once on another forum "face lathering is for peasants and sailors"
    Firefighter2 likes this.

  9. #9
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    I load in the tub. CF always seems to waxy for me to build from a dollop.

  10. #10
    Another day older fatnash's Avatar
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    Lather made in a scuttle will stay warm and moist for a 3 pass shave and still leave lots of lather to be washed away

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