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Thread: Almond Oil

  1. #1
    Member 2dutch4u's Avatar
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    Default Almond Oil

    I had the best shave Saturday and the one thing I did differently was: almond oil.I did not use it as pre-shave oil, but as a moisturizer earlier in the day. I had noticed before that almond oil does a very good job softening the skin if you give it some time to absorb.

    I should have known that my pre-shave prep is that important I guess. Before my str8 shaving days, I could never shave without taking a shower first. I remember one day, years ago, I had to shave quickly some time halfway the day and I just washed my face, used foam out of a can and some sort of Gilette, and made hamburger out of my face. I also could never use those plastic disposable razors, whatever face prep I did. Those plastic things were just too harsh.

    All in all, the shave was unbelievably comfortable, and left me not even a hint of a burning feeling. It just felt clean and relaxed. That was a first. It helped that I had a very good razor (Puma) expertly honed by local honemeister Rodb and that I used uberlather.

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  3. #2
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    Thanks for the tip. I occasionally use almond oil as a pre-shave -- after a shower, just before putting on lather -- and it works nicely like that.


  4. #3
    Member anejokid's Avatar
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    I used a nice preshave oil yesterday as well (first time) and I had a great shave without any burning or irritation. Even this morning when I got up and stumbled to the shower, I noticed that my face was still silky smooth. I can only attribute it to the preshave oil treatment.

    I agree.... the preshave prep is really important.... Not only for the shave but for the benefit it brings all day

  5. #4
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    I have questions with regards to oils... It seems to me that using any kind of oil would be defeating the whole purpose of using a shave cream in the first place. Now before you flame me, here me out. Oil and water don't mix right, which is why soap is used to clean ones face, and oil is generally broken up by soap. So if the soaps job is to clean, soften and cushion your face, wouldn't the oil be counterproductive? I understand why you would want to use it, to make the face as soft and smooth as possible. It just seems to me that oils are weakening the elegant creams and soaps we are using. I have tried glycerin and it seems to help, oddly enough I have almond oil that I bought thinking it was almond scented, with the intention of scenting the glycerin. So if it indeed helps, this is something I will be trying. You know there is so many different oil, preshave lotions, soaps/creams, and aftershave combos to try, its getting a little overwhelming. I want to own them all just to try them.

  6. #5
    Member 2dutch4u's Avatar
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    I am with you there, I do not understand exactly how a pre-shave oil is supposed to work either. I used that almond oil as a moisturizer, earlier in the day. I can feel the effect on my skin, it is noticeably softer. For the shave prep, I shampood and conditioned the whiskers, so any residual oil would have been gone.

  7. #6
    Member AndyPic's Avatar
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    Here is what I've picked up over the last few months.

    After completing your favorite pre-shave regimen, a pre-shave oil or cream is applied before the shave cream. The oil is supposed to provide some cushion for the razor, helping it to glide a bit easier, without any stumbles. I've used Proaso Pre-Shave Cream and AoS Pre-Shave Oil, and have gone back to the oil as I find my shave to be a bit more comfortable and "clean". Some have told me the oil could be too heavy for the beard, forcing it to lay down. I have a light beard. I still prefer the oil over the cream.

    So here is my net net. Primarily, all the cleaning, showering, towels and soaps, seem to prepare the beard. I believe the role of any pre-shave is to allow the blade to slide over the prepared beard and protect the skin. But as was told to me many times on the site, as long as there are no ill effects, use whatever works for you. Hope this provides some help.

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndyPic View Post
    . . .
    So here is my net net. Primarily, all the cleaning, showering, towels and soaps, seem to prepare the beard. I believe the role of any pre-shave is to allow the blade to slide over the prepared beard and protect the skin. But as was told to me many times on the site, as long as there are no ill effects, use whatever works for you. Hope this provides some help.
    That's what I think is happening. The pre-shave oil (what doesn't get taken off by the lather) acts as a lubricant. It prevents the edge of the razor from scraping off a layer of skin.

    I suspect if you _scrubbed_ your face with soap, between the pre-shave oil and the lathering, the oil would be gone and you'd be back to Square 1. But just putting on lather, most of the oil stays in place.

    Somebody should try using Mobil 1, and see if it out-performs almond oil.<g>

    . Charles

  9. #8
    Eager Rookie Ingiald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCGHOST View Post
    I have questions with regards to oils... It seems to me that using any kind of oil would be defeating the whole purpose of using a shave cream in the first place. Now before you flame me, here me out. Oil and water don't mix right, which is why soap is used to clean ones face, and oil is generally broken up by soap. So if the soaps job is to clean, soften and cushion your face, wouldn't the oil be counterproductive? I understand why you would want to use it, to make the face as soft and smooth as possible. It just seems to me that oils are weakening the elegant creams and soaps we are using. I have tried glycerin and it seems to help, oddly enough I have almond oil that I bought thinking it was almond scented, with the intention of scenting the glycerin. So if it indeed helps, this is something I will be trying. You know there is so many different oil, preshave lotions, soaps/creams, and aftershave combos to try, its getting a little overwhelming. I want to own them all just to try them.
    You are absolutely right about the soap, however in my opinion the main purpose of lather is not to clean (and effectively dehydrate) but to 'lift' the hairs from the skin.
    It would seem this is done by the air trapped in the soap, i'm a bit vague about the details.

    I'm sure some senior member could explain better

  10. #9
    I'm your huckleberry stdreb27's Avatar
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    You know the soap (depending on what you use is fat based) so oil is soluble with water and shaving soap. IMO it mixes in and makes a slurry (for lack of a better word). That makes for a smoother shave, it soaks into the skin and hair, making hair easier to slice through. I have no scientific evidence, but I think the oil soaks into the hair making surface tension of the hair tighter. (at least My theory, feel free to debunk it)

  11. #10
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    Some Oils like Castor Oil are Humectants. I don't know if Almond Oil is, but I do see it in a lot of pre-shave oils.

    Castor Oil is easily absorbed by hair. It is also Hygroscopic. Meaning it absorbs water. (Glycerin is also Hygroscopic)

    So a pre-shave oil that is hygroscopic will do triple duty.

    1. Be absorbed by the hair to moisten it.

    2. Pull in and hold water to keep it moistened throughout the shave.

    3. Lube the skin and cushion the shave.

    Kinda cool!

    Note: Only a few drops, maybe 3 to 8, are needed. Too much more could potentially get absorbed in to your shaving brush, and I am not sure what that would do in the long run.
    Cove5440 likes this.
    May your lather be moist and slick, the sweep of your razor sure, and your edge always keen!

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