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Thread: diamond paste

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  1. #1
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    Default diamond paste

    Hey all
    I have been prepping my blade by stropping it on the belt. I received this small tube of diamond paste. what is it for? I think I apply it to the strop but not sure

    thanks all


  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yes diamond paste is for applying to a strop dedicated for it. it can be used for sharpening the razor but it depends what the grit is on the diamond paste in micron size.
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  3. #3
    Member twogun's Avatar
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    You don't want to use diamond paste on your daily strop that you use before shaving. Diamond paste is used to bring an edge back on a razor when it starts to dull or can be used as part of the sharpening process. There are different grit sizes measured in microns. Usually it's marked on the tube. The higher the number the coarser the grit. .5 & .25 can be used to touch up an edge.

    Myself I normally use .5 micron on a balsa paddle with just the weight of the blade and no pressure and then use crox on a seperate piece of leather to smooth out the shave. Depending on how dull the edge is, it usually only takes a few laps to bring the edge back in the finer grits.

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