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Thread: AOS Pre-shave Oil

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  1. #1
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    Default AOS Pre-shave Oil

    This weekend I visited the new Art of Shaving store in the Woodlands, TX and I have to say that I am very impressed. I love the atmosphere there and the customer service was very good. I bought the lavender pre-shave oil and a Merker DE. The prices were not too bad, $22 for the oil and $60 for the DE.

    Upon preparing for my shave with the AOS oil for the first time, I noticed that the oil seemed kinda sticky. I have read about guys on here that have said the oil is thick but to me it just seemed a little sticky. Has anyone else noticed this? One thing I did helped it a little, I put the oil on before my hot towel treatment and it softened the skin up nicely. I love the scent and the shave was noticably better due to the oil. I think overall it was a good value for $22. How has everyone else's experience been with this oil?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    I've bought the oil but have yet to put it ahead of my T&H pre-shave oil in rotation. I will use some tonight and see how the AoS compares to T&H.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Cavere's Avatar
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    I have the lavender pre shave oil and I love it. It is rather thick but I put on the oil. Then build my lather and apply the lather to my face while I do my hair and strop my razor. That routine seems to lead to my best shaves so far.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I bought it ages ago. I didn't think it was too thick but then again I'm not an oil guy and never used oil aain after that.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cavere View Post
    I have the lavender pre shave oil and I love it. It is rather thick but I put on the oil. Then build my lather and apply the lather to my face while I do my hair and strop my razor. That routine seems to lead to my best shaves so far.
    how do you prevent the lather from drying up? I find that after about 6-8 minutes, mine will start to dry and flake. Maybe i'm not doing it right, I have cream from AOS and just put a small amount on a damp, warm brush and apply it directly to my face

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    Quote Originally Posted by CowanX7 View Post
    how do you prevent the lather from drying up? I find that after about 6-8 minutes, mine will start to dry and flake. Maybe i'm not doing it right, I have cream from AOS and just put a small amount on a damp, warm brush and apply it directly to my face
    I found that the Cream can hold a lot of water, the more you use the longer the lather will stay good on your face. I also use a bowl it just makes everything easier, just keep adding a little at a time work it in and then add more. You might waist a cup lather by pushing it to far but finding that threshold will make a world of difference.

  7. #7
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    I've been using the lavender pre-shave oil for AoS myself. I have found a pretty direct corrilation between cuts on the days I skip it and smooth shaves on teh days I dont. The price is the only thing that gets to me but, I love the smell and the razor glides through my beard when I use it. It is a little thick I think, but a dab will do ya.


  8. #8
    Junior Member StillHand's Avatar
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    Because the ingredients are canola oil, olive oil, and some scent (EO), I don't reckon this stuff would be too hard to make. There's plenty of threads on the different kind of oils and what they do (or don't do) for some people and making your own pre-shave oil, but as someone trying to live as naturally as possible, I gotta wonder about canola oil-

    "Canola oil is heavily refined, genetically engineered, and is derived from the rapeseed plant which is thought to be harmful to humans and animals."

    Granted, it's probably healthier putting it on skin than drinking it, but it's good to be informed. I still use AOS' oil sometimes, but find glycerin does a fair job for a newb like me as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cavere View Post
    I have the lavender pre shave oil and I love it. It is rather thick but I put on the oil. Then build my lather and apply the lather to my face while I do my hair and strop my razor. That routine seems to lead to my best shaves so far.
    Details on this "hair doing" please!

    First time I've seen this mentioned here, so it must be a noteworthy routine.

  11. #10
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    dang i was there too i must have just missed you

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