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Thread: Heating up Shaving Creme/Soap

  1. #1
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    Default Heating up Shaving Creme/Soap

    First, thanks to everyone that's contributed to all the useful information here. It's really been a big help to me as a new straight razor enthusiast. I'm happy to report that after a couple months I'm not anemic from blood loss anymore. I've actually improved so much with my technique, I don't even have to cheat and use a girly razor for touch ups.

    I personally have a hard time getting the water as hot as I'd like to make nice warm lather. I'm not sure if anyone else has had this idea or not, but I've never seen it so I thought I'd share it. I just nuke a coffee cup full of water and put the bowl on top to keep it hot while I shower and get ready for it.

    After dipping the brush and letting it soak up some hot water, I just slap it around inside the sink a couple times to get rid of the excess liquid, so i don't make the lather too loose or burn the hell out of myself.

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    I've also taken to using a cold towel after shaving.. Really makes my face feel great.

    Anyway, that's my humble contribution, I hope it can make someone's shave more enjoyable and comfortable.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    Default Heating up Shaving Creme/Soap

    That's a poor man scuttle, it works! The bigger the water bowl, the longer the heat will last. If you get it too hot, it could destroy the lather. This is how people across the tracks do it!

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    Double O
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Double0757's Avatar
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    Default Heating up Shaving Creme/Soap

    Try a bowl with ice and water, soak the towel in it, while you shave and use it for after you are done. It's the best! Double O
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  5. #4
    Senior Member Eekspa's Avatar
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    I fill the sink basin with hot water and submerge my dish and brush; not the soap itself. Once out of the shower and ready to shave I load the brush with soap, or cream, remove the dish from the hot water and make my lather in a warm dish. Works well for me, YMMV
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  6. #5
    ace is offline
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    I fill the sink with hot water and submerge my head and hold my breath. After that, if I remember why I did it in the first place, I lather up and shave.
    JBHoren, JeffR, Johnus and 2 others like this.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Double0757 View Post
    That's a poor man scuttle, it works! The bigger the water bowl, the longer the heat will last. If you get it too hot, it could destroy the lather. This is how people across the tracks do it!

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    Double O
    +1 Once you get yourself a nice scuttle, you won't be using yours any more. i face-lather and enjoy it very much. You could also try cold-shaving. Use cold water throughout your shave. It is fantastic!

  8. #7
    Member ShropshireShaver's Avatar
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    I fill the sink with hot water, sink the bowl, brush, and razor while I shower then lather in the bowl (after removing from the water ). This keeps the heat in the bowl, lather, and brush. I'll sink the soap in the water but I don't leave it in the water.

  9. #8
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    I just bought a Robert Becker shaving scuttle 004 with lid and plug/cork.
    works great, I just submerge it in very hot water in the sink while I get my other things ready for the shave load up my brush, and make lather in the scuttle, has a patterned bowl bottom so making lather is easy.

    I also reccomend the Becker scuttle also because it is more reasonably priced than some on the market right now.
    He use's molds instead of throughing it on a wheel then does the rest of the finishing proccess, more price freindly!!
    Very pretty also, celestial blue was the color I chose.

    IMHO, of course!! tinkersd.

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  11. #9
    Senior Member Mike12345's Avatar
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    Here's another vote for Robert Becker's scuttles. I bought a "small" for, I think, less than $20 shipped (?) and couldn't be happier. I use it often as a brush scuttle. A word of warning, though. Robert Becker is hard to find. Here's a link:

    If you do a search for "Robert Becker scuttles" all you'll get are forum comments. If you search for "feats of clay", you get hits for another service entirely. I've sent him an email telling him how hard he is to find, but I guess he has enough word of mouth business that he really doesn't care.
    Last edited by Mike12345; 11-01-2012 at 12:36 AM.

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  13. #10
    Junior Member mkbolivianwonder's Avatar
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    I recommend a scuttle as well. I fill mine with water fresh from the kettle, or hot sink water if I'm in a pinch for time. My tap water gets plenty hot enough.
    I don't actually whip up the lather in the scuttle, I just park the brush there when it's not in my hand.. keeps the lather nice and warm.
    I had a local (Charleston, WV) potter make me a scuttle. His price beat anyone else I could find online, and he was a pleasure to deal with. I actually went over and watched him throw the scuttle, it was really something. I'll start a thread about his scuttle when I have time. Here's a photo, and his email address if you're interested. Name:  JHoresScuttle.jpg
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    Feel free to ask the potter, Jim Hores, for more info: [email protected]
    He shaves with a brush himself, and had never heard of a scuttle before I commissioned mine. He liked the idea so much he said he was going to make one for himself. I certainly love mine.

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