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Thread: How do you prep your soap?

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    I need to return some video tapes Minnebrew's Avatar
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    Default How do you prep your soap?

    Just curious who out there uses a bowl for soap prep, I started with a bowl and was more annoyed with it. I switch to using my palm then I can also use the soap on my hand to start my face and it isn't wasted as well as get a feel for the soap and water ratio, heat, etc!

  2. #2
    I need to return some video tapes Minnebrew's Avatar
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    The reason the bowl annoyed me was I get up early and I felt whenever I hit the bowl with the brush handle I would wake up SWMBO at 5 am. Once I tried prepping on my palm I wondered why I ever used a bowl.

  3. #3
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    A drop or two of water for a few minutes on the puck softens it up just right.
    The making of suds takes place in my beloved scuttle. Each and every time.
    Nothing beats the feeling of copious amounts of warm suds for all the passes.
    IMHO that is
    Last edited by Birnando; 11-30-2012 at 09:22 PM.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I use a scuttle when I make an uber lather but lately I have just been loading the brush and face lathering. I tried palm lathering once as an experiment and it worked well to build a lather. One problem though is that I use both hands while shaving for 3 passes so unless I grow a third arm and hand it is not the greatest for me.

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  5. #5
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    I have been warming up to the idea of using a scuttle. Just now reading the words of Birnando, "beloved scuttle" I just got pushed over the edge. Some day in the near future I hope....a scuttle.
    Quote Originally Posted by Birnando View Post
    A drop or two of water for a few minutes on the puck softens it up just right.
    The making of suds takes place in my beloved scuttle. Each and every time.
    Nothing beats the feeling of copious amounts of warm suds for all the passes.
    IMHO that is
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    Senior Member donv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WW243 View Post
    I have been warming up to the idea of using a scuttle. Just now reading the words of Birnando, "beloved scuttle" I just got pushed over the edge. Some day in the near future I hope....a scuttle.
    Two days ago, I figured today is the day and ordered a dirty bird scuttle. I've been wanting one for some time now and I went for it. When I got a confirmation email it informed me that, the normal wait is four weeks or so, BUT, with Christmas orders and the people making them taking time off around then, I could expect to get my order in February!! I guess I'll just keep using my wood bowl that I found in the back room. Seems like everything I order lately takes forever to get. Oh well, I'm sure there are other people in the world with bigger problems than waiting for a scuttle.
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  7. #7
    rum is offline
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    I also use the tub/bowl that the soap came in. I'll load from that then go directly to my face. I've only ever owned a mug and that was a Kent into which I had some Palmolive shave sticks pressed. I eventually sold that as I found it was easier/quicker to face lather with a shave stick.

  8. #8
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minnebrew View Post
    The reason the bowl annoyed me was I get up early and I felt whenever I hit the bowl with the brush handle I would wake up SWMBO at 5 am. Once I tried prepping on my palm I wondered why I ever used a bowl.
    I used to hit the bowl and get annoyed by the sound too, so I switched bowls. I use VDH Luxury soap as one of my pucks. I melted the puck into my new bowl, and now use that bowl to accumulate soap on the brush before lathering it on my face. I add a bit of water to the bowl, as needed. Works great for me.
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  9. #9
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    i have one wooden bowl set up with Proraso green from the plastic tub
    i also have a ceramic bowl with the same , and a pewter bowl with taylor of old in it ..

    i generally fill the bowls to the top with hot water while im in the shower , and then fill the sink with hot water with just enough to almost get into the bowl ... ive noticed only the ceramic bowl holds it heat but either way the hot water keeps the soaps soft for me and allows me to get a good lather with just the water in the brush ...

    on a side note i used cold water last night and it really brought out the soothing feeling of the Proraso , prob didnt help with the beard though

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    Quote Originally Posted by gooser View Post
    i have one wooden bowl set up with Proraso green from the plastic tub
    i also have a ceramic bowl with the same , and a pewter bowl with taylor of old in it ..

    i generally fill the bowls to the top with hot water while im in the shower , and then fill the sink with hot water with just enough to almost get into the bowl ... ive noticed only the ceramic bowl holds it heat but either way the hot water keeps the soaps soft for me and allows me to get a good lather with just the water in the brush ...

    on a side note i used cold water last night and it really brought out the soothing feeling of the Proraso , prob didnt help with the beard though
    How do you get the proaso out of the plastic tub? Does it just pop out?

    As for how I lather, right now I just lather right out of the tub my soap comes in.
    Last edited by Swan; 01-01-2013 at 08:09 AM.

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