After reading alot of stuff on here and other forums for wet shaving, I finally decided that I would get some stuff together and give it a try.

I used castor oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, and tea tree oil.

In a 3 oz bottle I mixed:
1.5 oz Grapeseed oil
1 oz Castor oil
.5 oz Extra Virgin olive oil
2-3 drops Tea Tree oil

I mixed it in the bottle and shook the hell out of it for a few minutes to thoroughly mix it. I've read in a couple of places to let it sit for a while to let it fully combine. Can anyone elaborate on this? This mixture is incredibly slick, and the combination of castor and grapeseed oil should allow for it hydrate and lubricate my face pretty well. I havent used it yet, but Im sure that it will help.

But Im wondering still about how long I should leave it sitting before I use it?

(BTW, that tea tree oil is incredibly strong smelling stuff! It gave me a bit of a headache.)