I recently purchased this product called "Shave Secret" as an alternative to the various kinds of Pre-Shave Oils available. I wasn't exactly up for the price. The product Shave Secret, however, rings in at just under $4 at the local Wal-Mart. I was skeptacle when I purchased it, supposedly you only need 3-5 drops of the stuff in the palm of your hand rubbed with the other palm and then applied to the face. They say that if you dont think you have enough your wrong. Simply apply more water. The product comes in a little 18.75ml. eye dropper. I got the stuff home washed my face, applied Shave Secret as instructed, lathered up and proceeded to shave my face. This time I was using a Art of Shaving Shave Cream and a Dovo Shavette with a disposible Astra blade. I finished shaving washed my face off and applied my aftershave Proraso. I had the shock of my life! I shave with the grain and never before have I been able to shave in a fashion that makes the hairs undetectable against the grain! Now mind you this wasn't the case in all spots but it was in many my immediate sideburns and upper and lower lip to name a few. It was fantastic, it gave me hope (wink wink). There were few if any nicks and no razor burn. It was great. I wanted to share my experience and thought this was the ideal place, I hope you all benifit as I have!