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Thread: Soon to be out of Proraso pre-shave, any recommendations?

  1. #1
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    Default Soon to be out of Proraso pre-shave, any recommendations?

    Hi gents, I'm almost through my first jar of Proraso pre-shave cream, This was my first try at pre shave products. I'd love to try other things out. I realize that it's all about personal preference, but a little help choosing will be appreciated. Thanks

  2. #2
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    Here's what I've been using lately. It's got some menthol if you like that. I wash my face with this and wet hands and leave the suds on there while I mix up my lather. Then with wet hands, get it slick again before applying the lather. It softens whiskers up nicely if you leave it on there for a few minutes before you shave. And you can find it at pretty much any drug/box store.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Pkp1903's Avatar
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    If you are looking to try the pre-shave oil route, I really enjoy Truefitt & Hill. It has a light citrus scent and is a very light oil, however it is a bit expensive. On the flip side, I also have pre-shave oil from Maggards Razors and it is wonderful as well. You can pick it up off their website for like $7. With oils, a little goes a LONG way!

  4. #4
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    +1 to the Maggard recommendation. I received a sample with a recent order and have really been liking it. You can find it here: Maggard Razors – Straight Razor Restoration, Custom Scales and Wet Shaving Products » Pre Shave

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
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  5. #5
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    This is going to be an odd, unpopular reply and opinion. When I first started SR shaving I ALWAYS used Proraso pre-shave cream. I may even have got a second jar, and I know I dabbled for a bit with other pre-shave products (oils and such).

    Even though pre-shave creams are a very nice thing, you can take your actually shaving technique to a new level by NOT using one.

    NOT using a pre-shave product will ensure you concentrate on the shaving technique, lather quality and razor prep (honing/stropping).

    NOT using a pre-shave product highlights any efficiencies in above skills; using one can hide deficiencies in these areas.

    My advice would be use a pre-shave products (I love Proraso) when you are new to SR shaving. Then spend some time without using one; one may find some areas of the art to improve. Then go back to using a pre-shave cream, I think it'll be an even better experience...

    [EDIT], I meant deficiencies not efficiencies :-)
    Last edited by carlmaloschneider; 06-03-2013 at 09:50 PM.
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  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    This is going to be an odd, unpopular reply and opinion. When I first started SR shaving I ALWAYS used Proraso pre-shave cream. I may even have got a second jar, and I know I dabbled for a bit with other pre-shave products (oils and such).

    Even though pre-shave creams are a very nice thing, you can take your actually shaving technique to a new level by NOT using one.

    NOT using a pre-shave product will ensure you concentrate on the shaving technique, lather quality and razor prep (honing/stropping).

    NOT using a pre-shave product highlights any efficiencies in above skills; using one can hide deficiencies in these areas.

    My advice would be use a pre-shave products (I love Proraso) when you are new to SR shaving. Then spend some time without using one; one may find some areas of the art to improve. Then go back to using a pre-shave cream, I think it'll be an even better experience...
    That actually makes quite a bit of sense, thank you.

  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    I would suggest to do as Carl suggested above in skipping the pre-shave....but for different reasons. Quite simply, I've never found them to be of any use. If you can honestly say they are doing something for you and your shave, then jump online and get yourself set up with another. But I'd say give it a go without it and see if you can REALLY tell the difference. I personally always thought that by putting a barrier of oil on your face you are ensuring that the quality of the lather never reaches your skin. But if it works for you, do it. I never found it to be of any use so I stopped using it.

  9. #8
    Senior Member Deegee's Avatar
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    My first jar of Proraso green, there were a few dabs of the stuff laying in the bottom, just enough to use on the "Let's treat myself" shaves, and just enough to keep the scent alive. After that had gone, only the scent remained, and it was that that made me get another jar.

    Like Carl says, it's fairly negligible with what it does. I'd only replace my jar again for the menthol hit and the scent.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Try is mentholated and less expensive.. I am pretty proraso just relabels it it, and it is the same stuff.

  11. #10
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Edwin Jagger makes an all natural pre-shave that is quite good. It has a wee bit of eucalyptus, far less imposing than that in Proraso, and it creates a superb cushion for the skin. I am plagued with an extremely tough beard and extremely sensitive skin. Although my soaps and creams are topnotch, the pre-shave is further protection, and welcome, for my Hollywood face. Castle Forbes pre-shave is my other choice and I highly recommend it.
    BanjoTom likes this.

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