OK, so tax time is here and it's the time I go silly and spend a grand or two on little old me. Part of the splurge is, of course, soaps, creams and aftershaves (maybe a kamisori??, Maybe a French frameback?) PS I'm open to being lured.

I want an aftershave that will make me go "Double you TEE eff!" (if you get my drift) but in a GOOD way.

I want one that's STRONG (but nice) like me, really...

Maybe a bay rummy sort of flavour? Though I did like T&F Trafalgar (that was very double you tee effy)...

I want an aftershave that's more vigoroso than Floïd Vigoroso.

I AM ordering some 'Snakebite' from the link below but also want other ideas.

Oh, it's got to be long LASTING too, overpowering, nice, and long LASTING (like me)...

Fine Classic Aftershave Splash - In Six Scents