Actually I prepare myself a good product for hairs buying some linseeds: they are easy to find in herbalist's shops and cheap (I pay 1$ per 100 g of seeds).

I put 1/2 tablespoon of seeds in water during the night (use just 1/2 glass of water), and in the mornig I add another 1/2 glass of hot water (about 37°C, the same of the body) put them on the flame and move them very fast for 15 mins, keeping temperature under control (let say 37°C). Linseeds produce a sort of gel (100% natural and cheap). Consistence can be controled changing the quantity of water. The product must be conserved in the fridge. You can use it as a commonl gel after washing hairs (the same for linseed oil).

During my last 3 months using linseed oil (..not the gel described above..) with my blades I had no problems: it works great.