This morning I went to the dermatologist for something on my back. While there she asked about my razor burn. I told her I was wet shaving and used a puck and some aftershave, and sometimes some balm. She said to stop right away. What?!

According to the doc, I am now to use a gel, like Edge unscented (yuck!) and the lotion she prescribed. THe Rx is for a mixture of Loprox and Cleocin lotions. From what I found on a basic search this is antibiotic mixture. I guess she thinks my burn is minor skin infections on my neck.

I can't make myself go back to the goo of a canned gel. So that will have to wait. However, I'm willing to try the lotion for a few weeks.

My current aftershave rotation included has been Clubman Bay Rum, Vanilla and some Burt's Bees aftershave. Soaps rotation include Col. Conk and Burt's Bees.

Has anyone heard of this prescription before? What about any unscented soaps that may be out there?