Google is not my friend with this razor.

My camera is not good enough right now( Its a phone) to get the small engraving but I do have a pic of the blade shape.

Here a link to the engraving on the Blade:

The blade itself:

And the engraving on the Tang:

The Tanq says: Joseph Rodgers and Sons
Cutlers to THEIR Majesties
No.6 Norfolk Street

Then it has England in a sideways arc on the right side and The Star and Cross on the Left.

The Scales are I believe horn. My dad used to make powder horns and such for muzzleloading and when I scraped them they smelled the same. They were broken when I got the Razor so I am replacing them.

Anyways... Any information on year, style and anything else would be awesome. A value would be cool too, but I'm not looking to sell it just restore it and have a litle golden plaque underneath it with information.