I have been blessed and cursed with thick facial hair. It does allow me to grow some pretty epic beards, but also makes for a frustrating experience shaving. This is partially why i was turned onto straight razor shaving in the first place. I initially got a base of the line Dovo and honed it myself. It does really well except under my nose where my eyes always water. I thought it may be due to my inexperience so I bought a Tuckman razor from Obie to compare. His razor is certainly superior to my first one but it still tugs at those under nose hairs. I am wondering if it may be the type of razor I am using both are near or are full hollow ground. Would a wedge or a higher weight razor be any better for me? Any advice on the matter would be appreciated. I currently use madame Scodioli shave soap, and Cirmes aftershave and pre-shave oil.