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Thread: Help?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    If the site where you're seeing that is Straight Razor Designs...order it. If not, go to Straight Razor Designs and shop there. They are the BEST.

  2. #2
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    That is exactly the site. I'm glad to know that they're good, thank you. Any advice on other items I should look into adding to my gift, or maybe picking up for him later?

  3. #3
    Senior Member DarthLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HisAngel View Post
    That is exactly the site. I'm glad to know that they're good, thank you. Any advice on other items I should look into adding to my gift, or maybe picking up for him later?
    A brush and shave soaps/creams would be a big must; canned goo is bad for your skin and that becomes more apparent with a straight razor. SRD also sells a scuttle (a kind of shaving mug) that is AWSOME. I just got mine in the mail two days ago and I'm in bliss!

    The last thing you can give him is your love and support and be understanding of all the little nicks and cuts he'll pick up while learning...because he will.

  4. #4
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    Thanks, I don't think the cuts will be too bad. He mentioned a while ago that he used to have a straight razor, so I'm guessing he'll just need to refresh. He's in the army, stationed in Kansas where it's illegal to offer straight shaves in barber shops, so he really misses getting that extra nice shave when he wants it. That's really why I thought to get one for him.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Iceni's Avatar
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    Get a scented soap variant. The rest he should be able to pick up in his own time.

    He will need at some point a decent hone, and a sharpening stone.

    Also point him at this site and make sure he has viewed a few video's and read a little literature about straight razor shaving. He will have to teach himself about the blade and how to use it, and how not to cut himself. I'm a beginner myself. And the wealth of knowledge available here is outstanding.

    Your also opening up a new hobby for him. Razors, brushes, and hones are all like candy to wet shavers. In no time he will be spending all day on ebay looking for his fix, and your bathroom will have more shaving soap than you ever thought was possible!

    If you want to pick him up a stocking filler or 2 the Taylors of bond street Eaton soap is very nice and not too pricey as too is Proraso Eucalyptus . And getting him a good moisturizer and some old school aftershave would be good to pick up as well. Pick the stuff you like the smell of. After all you will have to live with those smells for a while till he works out what he wants to smell like! Just avoid lavender scents, or he'll small like your grandmothers underwear!
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  6. #6
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Feel free to call over to Straight Razor Designs where you saw the kit.
    They can and will answer all of your questions.
    That kit has every thing he needs to get started.
    P.S. One heck of a great gift and good on you for doing a bit of research.
    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

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