Hi guys,

first of all, I hope this hasn't been asked before. If so, feel free to hit me against the head. (Not too hard pls)
And second I hope the question won't blow up in my face.
Being a beginner, I only own 1 razor, ok I admit, also 2 cheaper ones to practice honing when I get to the point.
I don't have RAD yet, but I do have the intention to get a few razors, just a few ones.
I'm very curious to see some of the special razors owned by you guys.
The reason a blade is special for you is personal and to me it doesn't matter if the blade is very rare and costs a lot or maybe the scales are made out of the bone from an arm you lost, a gift from someone dear to you,...
Beautiful razor or beautiful story, all the same to me.
I do realize that those with 100 razors might have 20 special ones then I would like to see them all 20

Why this question? I just want to learn a bit more about rare and special razors, you never know what you'll find at a flea market

I hope you all are willing to show the special ones. A bit of information and why it is special would be very much appreciated. IMO, all posts without pics are worthless

Once I get a special razor, I'll be sure to post it. My Dovo silversteel doesn't really fit...