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Thread: Boeker report

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  1. #1
    Member hajo's Avatar
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    Default Boeker report

    here you can see a short report (sorry it is in German) about Boker.
    007 als Konjunkturhilfe : Lokalzeit Bergisches Land vom 03.02.2014 - WDR MEDIATHEK

    The Lady there is owner of Boker. She says that they can not manage the high demand of the market at the moment.
    They will increase capacity but this needs some time becaus it needs well skilled workers. She says it is not a short boom due to 007 only it is lasting...
    Regards hajo

  2. #2
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    even though the video was in German it was very interesting. I notice the barber putting the razor in a bowl of water and shacking it from side to side. then I noticed the guy at the factory doing it HHR test. I thought he was going to bend it backwards before it cut. just proves from the factory razors really don't come shave ready. do wish my exchange students from Germany had been here where they could intrepid. thanks for the video

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    You've got that right! I ordered an Arbolito in December, and after waiting a month I e-mailed Boker because I thought either it was lost or they didn't send it. Turns out because of the high demand for Boker razors, mine won't arrive until March. It'll be worth the wait when I finally get it, it's a beautiful razor, and I'm sure it'll be well made.

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