Hey all,

I haven't had the opportunity to put together a proper razor storage box yet, but I have an old Böker that, once restored, will be a daily shaver (yes, the Gold Dollar will be trashed once I have an operable razor - haha). As I acquire two or three more razors, there will be one or two that might sit unused for a few days to a couple of weeks at a time.

The actual question: is it advisable to store razors for more than a day or two in the original box with a desiccant packet, or can they be more-or-less exposed to the air all the time? Does anyone keep a desiccant of some type in your normal razor storage box? The dorms aren't an ideal environment, and the humidity inside the building stays at a fairly constant 70% - 80%, with temperatures varying from mid-60's to mid 70's degrees Fahrenheit.

Thanks all,
