Or if I had time to work on my keepers...
Attachment 172227
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Or if I had time to work on my keepers...
Attachment 172227
All but 6 of these are Wade & Butcher as well...
Attachment 172228
Did a rough count....im up to almost 40 W&B now....stupid RAD affliction....
Yes, I always really liked that gem, managed to get a 13/16 Frameback myself, the, "Famed and Patented Frame and Back Razor", the etching literally fell off, was unfortunate, but they are amazing blades.
Yours is still the nicest I've seen Dennis...
Might as well give up Sarge, Dennis, Phrank, and Tom own pretty much all of the W&B's on the planet. ;)
Dug em out...I may need to find a blade to pin in these!
Has gold leafing in the lettering as well...about 60% intact.
"Wade & Butcher's celebrated patent frame back razor which for superiority of temper stands preeminent to any other manufacturor"
Attachment 172239
Attachment 172240
Attachment 172241
Attachment 172242
Not to mention they are usually barber notched
Yes - finding the spike points in W&B is a tough search...managed a couple of months ago to find an 8/8 FBU spike point, nice medium grind, just got finished up by Valery. Been looking for better part of a year now for another Celebrated, FBU, 9/8 spike point, just simply haven't seen any....
Dennis, beautiful razor. Did you and Sergeant get hooked up?
Like this one? LOL its an fbu but the fbu etch is about 50% intact, need to restore this beauty.
Attachment 172256
Attachment 172257
Yup - those are the ones...they complete me! ;)
That's a keeper in my books if ever I saw one...that will be a spectacular blade when you restore it.
Came in one of my better local antique store hauls ever...
Four 8/8 or wider Wade & Butchers
One 7/8 American Razor eagle etched
All in one stop...
They said some guy had bought 10 or more wide ones like that before I got those...I ran into the guy once that had gotten them, he was at another antique store talking about knives and razors and mentioned hed bought some there...he said hed gotten a ton...said 5 were 10/8 or bigger...id been in that antique store a million times and never asked about razors and they had been behind the counter in a knife roll the entire time. Needless to say I always ask when I go to antique stores now...
Haha... well I just came back from an antique shop and all I got is a brush holder. .. When asked they said everyone is looking for razors nowadays.
Here is another poor mistreated frameback. Got it out of the box and messaged the ebay seller. Told him I wanted to send it back because the scales looked like they were 'chewed up.' I couldn't think of a better adjective to describe it. He messeged me back, said that when he read 'chewed up' he remembered having his puppy get hold of the bubble wrapped razor before he put it in the box. At that time he didn't realize the puppy had bitten down hard enough to damage it. So he refunded my $ and told me to keep the razor or dispose of it as I saw fit. Kind of a disappointment, but some days it beez like that. :shrug:
Attachment 172279
Send me the razor, you can keep the chewed up scales haha
A new set of scales can do wonders for your disposition. Nice frameback (I'd say send it here, it will have a good home, but it looks happy where it is.)
the instigator of my RAD is this my 1st str8
a 13/16" Square point fully restored
Attachment 172321
my 2nd str8 a 5/8" square point as received
Attachment 172322
1" Square point as received
Attachment 172323
13/16" American Razor my custom scales etc
Attachment 172324
recent arrivals soaking in Neetsfoot oil awaiting some loving
6/8" Notched point
Attachment 172325
another waiting to find some hardware for an all original restore
6/8" Wedge
Attachment 172326
I realy like the narlyness of this old girl
so this is getting a very light clean, a hone & getting used as is for a while if not for ever
6/8" Square point
Attachment 172327
awiting the posty with this from the US still
5/8" Bow
Attachment 172328
Yesss it does. Thx for the free advertising! I believe we might have already chatted about it Sergeant. Whether you wind up with it or not rest assured there are some pretty awesome W&B blades out there.
Sorry I didn't find this thread sooner but work has been beating me down. How many full on non stop high speed double shifts is a man expected to work!?!? No matter. Extra work = extra cash to support RAD.
Outside of the one on the 'bay, here are a couple other W&B' s in my life right now.
The Mason one will likely be getting a set of horn scales eventually. Just need to clean up the tang a bit first.
The Old Army Celebrated is going to my cousin as a token of respect for his badassery. Just got it back from having the back face of the blade engraved w his name and rank. Top of class West Point, Airborne Ranger, 2 tours in Afghanistan, graduating Special Forces this month. Prior to him I was the only one of our many cousins to serve so I feel a combination of comradery and awestruck pride in everything he's done. Far surpassed my little E4 and lonely air assault badge. :-)
Attachment 172344
What you've done for your cousin is AWESOME. Tell that young man an old Nam vet in Cowtown said he's SIERRA HOTEL in book.
Velocituboy, could post more pix of the army blade. ... u know im looking for one too. I was wondering what kind blade us army issued at this time., thx for ur cousin's service... what group he is in? I might come across him in lewis if he was 5th group
Mdwright this is ahell of a collection
Haha! He doesn't know any other way. One of those people that always comes in tops in everything he does (mentally and physically) and laughs along the way. Annoys the hell out of us mortals sometimes.
I'm not entirely sure what group he is/will be with. To be honest, his status is a bit nebulous to me right now. ...I imagine that may be intentional. I'm of the impression he still has a bit of training to do. No doubt he'll get through it though (see reply to Wullie).
Here are a couple more pics of the razor. It's not as perfect as I'd like. ...There is some pitting up near the Celebrated stamp, and whoever honed it last did a less-than-pretty job on the bevel. Still, other than refreshing the edge and making it shaveable, I'm not planning to restore it. Those grind marks are too pretty to take sandpaper to. Plus, you've gotta love the original collars and the horn scales are in amazing condition.
Attachment 172408Attachment 172409
I highly doubt this would have been an army issued razor. Just army themed.
Here's an SRP link to another thread about them. I pondered the history of this thing for quite a while before I wised up and did a search on it. Turns out I had come to many of the same original conclusions that Voidmonster did. Then I had the blade inscribed ...then found his thread and suddenly didn't feel so special or smart (regarding the inscription or the history). Felt more "special smart" given that it had all actually been done two years prior.
Yes. Pukin buzzard, pukin pigeon, screamin chicken... we go by many names. :-)
327th INF. That was many many moons ago...
And I suspect whoever said AASLT was the toughest 10 days in the Army hadn't done much else. Don't get me wrong, it's not the easiest thing in the world, and it definitely is harder than Airborne, but I doubt it holds a candle to SF or SERE or something like that.
Velocityboy were you with en 2011?
Ahhh ok... thx for your service
Yeah thanks! You too.
I imagine there are a lot of SRP members here that deserve thanks for serving.
:idea: It should be free W&B's for the lot! :angel: