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Thread: Straights for the road

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  1. #1
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    Default Straights for the road

    I am not sure where to post this so forgive me if I am in the wrong area. I done some some searching and come up empty. So here I go. I spend much of my time on the road, several days a week usually. I am wondering about a razor just for traveling. Do those of you who travel carry a straight, strop and all the trimmings or do you go with a shavette or DE
    Last edited by Flatire67; 09-15-2014 at 02:06 AM.

  2. #2
    MJC is offline
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    My road trip/checked bag/leave on location system is a Feather DX folding.
    Before I picked up the DX it was the SS (folding and fixe) and I started with the CJB 101 - Korean clone of the Feather RG - a low cost way to try this out BTW.

    Razor and a pack of blades take up as much room as a toothbrush case and a pack of gum.

    Smooth travels.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member johnmrson's Avatar
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    I travel with a straight. If it's less than a few weeks then I take a straight, a travel strop (thin kangaroo hide that rolls up in a tube) along with a tube of cream and a travel brush (head screws into the handle). If I'm travelling longer then I'll also take a travel sided coticule bout to keep the edge on the straight going for longer.
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  6. #4
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    For long trips, I take an INOX straight, barber hone, travel strop, travel brush and travel soap, plus the rest of the paraphernalia, with the Feather AC DX for backup. For shorter trips, I just take the Feather AC DX with a Merkur Progress DE for backup.
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  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If I travel by car I take a Muhle R41 DE/spare blades, a synthetic shave brush and the usual as/edt and a balm. By air I had been using a few cheap disposable twin blade razors instead of a DE but will in the future take the Muhle taken down to 3 pieces and pack the DE blades in my checked bag. Just too lazy to put up with all the extra hassle of using a straight for travel.

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  10. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    If I travel by car I take a Muhle R41 DE/spare blades, a synthetic shave brush and the usual as/edt and a balm. By air I had been using a few cheap disposable twin blade razors instead of a DE but will in the future take the Muhle taken down to 3 pieces and pack the DE blades in my checked bag. Just too lazy to put up with all the extra hassle of using a straight for travel.

    Try to stick with straights, or at least my Feather DX.

    For longer trips I carry straights in a leather pouch for two razors, together with a 2" strop.

    Alternatively, when going by air with only a carry-on bag; I use my 3-piece Mühle and put it disassembled together with the electric toothbrush in the toothbrush container.
    Fits perfectly and airport security never raised an eyebrow.
    DE blades I can somehow always find at the other end.

    With a synthetic brush I don't need to worry about drying, and I carry either as a minimum a La Toja shaving stick (comes in its own container), some soap, or cream like Nivea that is sold in smaller (100ml/3oz) sizes.
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  12. #7
    Senior Member Highwayman's Avatar
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    Just one straight from rotation at home, a wide latigo belt for a strop (also for holding up pants), and cold water. For long trips over a week add a travel brush, a tube of Taylor of Bond street sandalwood shave cream, a stainless steel Coleman coffee mug, and a Swaty 3 line hone. No fuss , no muss, no bother. You can also heat water in the mug for those who can"t live without the warm lather feeling.
    Last edited by Highwayman; 09-14-2014 at 01:23 PM.
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  14. #8
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    Looks like I have a little more equipment to research. Thanks
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  15. #9
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    As it is going to have be an emergency to get me on a commercial fight again, I drive. If I need to fly, I'll rent a plane and fly myself.

    I carry a couple of straights, a strop, soap, towel, and a brush. I'm rarely gone from home over a week any more and then only a couple of times a year.

    I stopped at a Petro truck stop and shaved one day. Should have heard the comments from some of the "bad ass" trucker types wearing their wife beater shirts, baggy shorts, and flip flops..
    Last edited by Wullie; 09-14-2014 at 04:41 PM.
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  16. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    I stopped at a Petro truck stop and shaved one day. Should have heard the comments from some of the "bad ass" trucker types wearing their wife beater shirts, baggy shorts, and flip flops..
    You are not the only one to have those comments..........FUN!
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