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Thread: Looking for a new razor

  1. #1
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    Default Looking for a new razor

    Hey guys,

    It's that time again ha. I'm looking for a new razor to replace the one i'm using now. The razor I shave with now is an unknown brand or steel type bought from some antique store. It gets the job done but I find that even with good stropping technique and what not I still seem to have to touch up on the naniwa 12k fairly often (every 3-4 shaves or so) that normal? Anyways...currently I'm considering either something like a thiers-issard or I've also seen razors from Hart Steel. Does anyone have any experience with the razors from Hart Steel? Their website says the blades are made from "O-1 steel"..of which I don't know anything about and would appreciate knowing how good these razors are. The thing about them aside from their simplicity in appearance that I like is the hex-nut where I can tighten it easily. BTW, I've had a Dovo 5/8 but this time I want to go with a slightly wider blade with 6/8.


  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I really like my TI. I have a 6/8 Coffieur Special. The grind is a little heavier, at around a half hollow. It shave great, I got mine from Phil at Classic Edge, so it came shave ready and has not failed to perform. I must admit that I have quite a few razors and it is not always in the lineup. As far as having to touch a blade up that often goes have you analyzed your stropping at all. I can see you are hardly a new member but just bought maybe it may be a factor, perhaps increases your number of passes? It could simply just be the blade, as you have already suggested. Back on topic. I have also got a Ralf Aust that is pretty nice and is a new production razor. There is Revisor as a potential source as well. I have no personal experience with Hart, they do look good, there are quite a few threads about them. It seems that most of the current manufacturers are taking turns having some quality control issues. Here is my thought on that. If you buy from a shop that hand hones they will check the quality on your razor before it goes out the door so you are less likely to have an issue. The problem with selecting a new razors is find inventory on the one you want. With demands being higher than production for the most part they can be a little tough to find what you want when you want it. I just figured out what I was looking for and then waited for stock to one in. It only took a couple of months. I already had one in hand at the time so it was not that big of a deal. Happy hunting and good shaving!
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Michael70's Avatar
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    I would think a TI would be a great razor. I have been looking for some time at them. I am also looking at a Portland Razor which is a US made razor and gets great feedback and best of all most of the models will come under $200. Too many great options and only so much money makes these decisions rather difficult.

    But hopefully you don't stress over it and whatever you get will be a real cutter. Good luck.
    German blade snob!

  4. #4
    Boker Fan wayne394's Avatar
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    Hey Eclipse, it's a Boker as a first choice every time for me. I have 3 and they all shave great.
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    Thanks for the kind replies everyone. I've never heard of Portland razors but I just checked out their website and those are some nice looking blades ;-). I'm also curious about Portland Razor Co.'s Deluxe Strop. It says made from "american leather". Anyone know what the draw is like on that strop? A fine looking piece for sure. I've had a Black Latigo, Premium II, and an English Bridle all from SRD. I'm curious about this other one.

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Hart makes a good razor but in my opinion they are expensive for what you get . (I have one). Better go with an Aust or a Dovo or a TI. My opinion of course.
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  7. #7
    bcw is offline
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    If you have any questions about Portland Razors, just send an email. You will get a quick and courteous response. I am waiting to order one of their razors, and my experience dealing with them has been exemplary. They make a fine product at a responsible price point, and the custom work is really first rate.
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  8. #8
    MJC is offline
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    I've been very impressed with the Ralf Aust.
    And I've had great luck with the Hart Steel, the bonus surprise was the Hart Baxter "Not a Replica" 6/8 SP - Blued.
    I was lucky enough to pick on up on the classifieds here and it just gets better with time.

    Do you only need one?

    Smooth shaving....
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    (Does anyone only need one?)

  10. #10
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    I would like to meet a long time straight shaver that only had one blade and one brush and one bowl. I'll sooner meet a unicorn, no doubt. Ridden by Marilyn Monroe and Jon Voight.

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