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Thread: Crown wolf razor manufacturer question

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    Default Crown wolf razor manufacturer question

    Name:  Shepherdrazor1.jpg
Views: 1147
Size:  28.7 KBName:  Shepherdrazor2.jpg
Views: 1135
Size:  19.4 KB I recently acquired this crown and wolf razor, but after looking up info on the manufacturer I am a bit confused. I thought it to be a John Shepherd 1770-1795, but now find Barber John & Son (old English, & successors to George Shepherd's mark, ' Wolf & crown' ) 12 Norfolk st. I also found a thread on here where an Allen and Son had the same mark, and it appeared that The original firm of Allen & Son was founded in 1818 and based at Granville Works in Granville Street, Sheffield. They made small knives and used a sort of masonic trademark of compasses and steel square. Robert Allen died in 1898 after which (1902) the firm and its rights was acquired by Joseph Elliot. Joseph Elliot & Sons trademark was two reversed 'C's, one either side of a maltese cross, but they also bought the trademarks used by other companies such as Barber, Wigfall, Lockwood Bros, etc. One of those companies used two maltese crosses.

    So if I am reading that correct Joseph Elliot & Sons bought the trademarks of Barber so an Allen and son razor had the crown and wolf mark on it, and Barber was the successor to George Shepherd?

    I am guessing based on style this razor would be around 1775-1800.

    Does anyone have better info on the Crown and Wolf? Is this a John Shepherd? Is there anymore info on John Shepherd, or George Shepherd? I can't find years for George Shepherd.
    Just very interested the history of this. I shaved with it for the first time last night and it gave a really nice shave.
    Also this is my first post so let me know if I did this correctly or not.
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    Last edited by rideon66; 03-23-2015 at 03:07 PM.

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