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Thread: Keep it NOS or hone and shave?

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  1. #1
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Default Keep it NOS or hone and shave?

    Is it advisable to keep an old NOS razor unhoned and unused or go ahead and hone it and shave. Will using it be a a real detriment to the value of the razor by not keeping it in it's "virgin" state? I have been lucky enough to find 3 razors in this condition. They are all real beauties and I really would like to shave with them, but I also appreciate their near museum like condition.
    What's a guy to do?? I do have plenty of other razors to use. All advise is greatly appreciated.

    Pete <:-}
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Tarkus's Avatar
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    If I have it I'll be damned not to shave with it. I guess its all in the person. I dont see the value lowering in making it shave ready. As long as you tape the spine who's the wiser?

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  4. #3
    Senior Member feltspanky's Avatar
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    Life is Short; Get the satisfaction provided from using it.
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  6. #4
    I got this . . . Orville's Avatar
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    I think a potential buyer would not be put off by the notion that it has been used a few times. If it has gone through the stones several times that is one thing, but a razor that has been honed to a shave ready edge and used a couple or three times would, in my eyes, be preferable to a NOS blade.

    It means I would not have this decision to make myself.
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  8. #5
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orville View Post
    I think a potential buyer would not be put off by the notion that it has been used a few times. If it has gone through the stones several times that is one thing, but a razor that has been honed to a shave ready edge and used a couple or three times would, in my eyes, be preferable to a NOS blade.

    It means I would not have this decision to make myself.
    Best answer to that question I've read in a long time....I agree.

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    petercp4e (06-23-2015)

  10. #6
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    I agree with bobh. Personally i love using them, if i were to spend the extra $on NOS it would be with the intention to shave with it. The fact that you are even bringing this up would cause me to say keep them in new condition, once honed you cant put the metal back on.

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  12. #7
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Well, if you want to shave with them there's only one thing to do -> hone 'em up
    Razors are made to be used, to shave with and all my NOS razors have been honed and are in my rotation

    The true 'value' of a razor is a personal thing, a choice between using it or keeping it in the original condition. It's all up to you, razors to me have little value if I can't use them, but that's just me.

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  14. #8
    Senior Member ChopperDave's Avatar
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    Personally, I do both. Get it honed, use it occasionally, and preserve it... My daily shavers are a little less collectable.
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  16. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orville View Post
    I think a potential buyer would not be put off by the notion that it has been used a few times. If it has gone through the stones several times that is one thing, but a razor that has been honed to a shave ready edge and used a couple or three times would, in my eyes, be preferable to a NOS blade.
    No, it should not put off a potential buyer if they are a user but it does cut out the true collector segment of the market because it is no longer nos. That is the segment of the market that can and do pay well for a razor and the willingness to pay goes up exponentially if the razor is nos and rare to boot.

    Oth, I think like you on the less rare nos ones making great shavers.

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  18. #10
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    There is a thrill to being the first to shave with something lying in state for a few decades for sure. I think I will always shave with the razors I acquire. Been fortunate to get a few NOS blades now and then and they tend to come up in the rotation more often coincidently,,
    Hirlau and BobH like this.
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