Hello all, I am new to the site and as my first post I want to see if everyone here is really as helpful as people say all over the internet. I am currently trying to track down some information on a straight razor that I have recently gotten from an antique store. on the blade under some tarnish I see that it is stamped "Barber's Standard" and on the tang I see that it says "Howard's Razor Company Worcester (or worcestor. im not looking at it currently just going off of memory.) It is a nice find in my opinion but I cant decide if I want to do the work on the restore myself or if I want to have it professionally done to make sure that it holds its true beauty and is some what of a conversation starter. Please give me any information you can as I can't find any on "howard's razor company" the only thing i've seen about it is that someone else recently has sold one that was in rough condition for like $22 but I'd like to believe its more valuable than this. I havent taken measurements on the actual razor yet but it feels like a good quality antique razor and has the look too. It has yellowish scales with a wooden spacer in between them towards the bottom and the scales look to be good in condition. Only thing I really see wrong with the razor is some minor rusting at the pivot and a few very small chips at the edge of the blade that can only be seen if using a jewelers loupe. I would be very happy to see some information on these such as what time frame they were in and whether it is worth having done professionally or me just doing a somewhat ok job on it for extra practice of restoring blades myself (i'm extremely new to restoring and have only one that I have done so far.) Thanks in advance. I would post pictures but don't have any on my computer at this time.