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    Senior Member VintageBlades's Avatar
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    Default The "Dovo/Dubl Duck Hybrid" 7/8"

    As you know, I was fortunate to be able to uncover a small supply of "New Old Stock" Dovo razors from the era of Fritz Bracht. These razors dated back to a period in the early 1960's when Dovo was doing a lot of contract work for various other straight razor firms. The razor that you see below, which Lynn I and have begun calling the "Hybrid" is really an odd duck (pun intended).

    You will notice that the front tang is clearly stamped "dubl duck" over "Goldedge" and the rear is stamped "PEARLDUCK" (arched) over "dubl duck" over "Solingen-Germany". The confusion starts even before you look at the scales, since they can be replaced (and there is a question about that), since the blade etch is 100% Dovo. All you have to do is look at any of the other 7/8" Dovo of the period that I have for sale and you will see the same exact blade etch.

    Now as for the scales, they are undeniably Dovo. The obvious question is whether or not they are original to the razor. I have included 2 close-up pictures of the area around the rear of the hinge pin. You will have to be the judge. It's my opinion, Lynn's, and that of my source in Germany, that the blade and scales are contemporary. As to the damage around the hinge pin, clearly some type of repair has occurred, but what I do not know. Your opinion may differ.
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