Just stating a fact. There may be a lot of England in SA but SA aint England and it wont be Sheffield steel.
Sheffield steel is hard good stuff as i'm sure your well aware of.
In buying the W&B name, he is making "original" Wades more valuable which in turn making them harder to buy from sellers on Ebay and the likes that already ask a fortune from selling original Wades.
As to your comment on my not affording them, i have a few good original Wade & Butcher razors that have cost a fortune but a fortune differs from one to another.
I was referring to the working man being able to afford, after all, it was the working men that made the original W&B razors that this he is trying to revive but it simply wont be the same, nothing to it.
The blood, sweat, tears and even their lives went into making the razors.
So please, dont try to make me out to be the bad guy here, i am entitled to my opinion, i do wish him luck but his razors will be nothing like the originals. Period.