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    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    Default Mastro Livi vs. Robert Williams?

    In the near future I plan on investing in a "Mastro Livi" razor. I certainly don't need one, but I WANT ONE! - It will eventually be passed on to my son.

    I just viewed the increadable razors that Robert Williams produces, and I am in awe of his work.! Delema: I am now torn between which to choose. I know, "one of each you say". I can hadly justify one at this point. (I'll keep buying those lottery tickets. - Red neck financial security)

    What would be your your choice?

  2. #2
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Faced with the same dilemma as you, I opted for a Robert Williams. Two, in fact. I do want to get a Livi at some point though.

  3. #3
    Frameback Aficionado heavydutysg135's Avatar
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    I don't think that you can really go wrong either way. If you look at pictures of the razors that Robert and the Maestro have made, both "artists" have their own styles of blades and scales. I think that it really depends on which you prefer. Both use top quality steel and I am sure both will shave equally well. It seems like Robert specializes in thicker grinds, while the Maestro mostly does hollow grinds; but I am sure that both could do either. If price is a serious consideration for you then Robert's razors seem to be cheaper. Also, if price is an issue you might want to check out Maestro Levi's regrinds pictured at I am pretty sure that they can be purchased from Lynn with your choice of wood handle for about $265

  4. #4
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    I have a Meastro Livi 7/8 in olive wood &ATS34 Which I got from The Shave Shop ,(hello Vincent). Its the best razor ive ever owned for comfort &closeness of shave. Its easy to hone &strop once you get used to letting the razor do the work.I am tempted with trying Joe Chandlers &Robert Williams razors ,But I must reign in my spending.I also have a problem beard that is tough fast growing &lies very close to the skin.So if any one has any answers to help with this problem I,m always open to advice

  5. #5
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Default hmm.

    I think Livi's stuff is overpriced.

    Seems to me like Joe C. and Mr. Williams put entirely more work into finishing.
    So how do you explain the extra how much $300 ? $400 ?

    When I get into fancy pants razors instead of buying what someone made I will be getting something exactly like I want.
    The pic is a 1/4 hollow swayback that I made bison scales for but someone stole before I got it pinned.

    I will be having someone make one just like it for me this year. Probably Joe C.
    Seems like you can get two of his razors however you want them for the price of one Livi.

    My opinion, worth exactly what you paid for it.
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  6. #6
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by gratewhitehuntr View Post
    I think Livi's stuff is overpriced.

    Seems to me like Joe C. and Mr. Williams put entirely more work into finishing.
    So how do you explain the extra how much $300 ? $400 ?

    When I get into fancy pants razors instead of buying what someone made I will be getting something exactly like I want.
    The pic is a 1/4 hollow swayback that I made bison scales for but someone stole before I got it pinned.

    I will be having someone make one just like it for me this year. Probably Joe C.
    Seems like you can get two of his razors however you want them for the price of one Livi.

    My opinion, worth exactly what you paid for it.
    Hey GW,
    looking at those scales I would say you are an artist in your own right!!
    So tell me....when are we going to see blades stamped with GW

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I haven't seen a Williams razor in the flesh but I do have a livi and the workmanship is outstanding and there is plenty of it. You have to remember that when you start talking about custom type razors you are paying for the name to a great extent. maybe in 10 years a Williams Razor will command as much or more than a Livi. Look at the Zowada razors. There doesn't appear to be alot of workmanship in those to command the prices they go for but he has the name.

    If you just concerned with a great shaving razor there is no need to even consider razors like these.
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  8. #8
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I haven't seen a Williams razor in the flesh but I do have a livi and the workmanship is outstanding and there is plenty of it. You have to remember that when you start talking about custom type razors you are paying for the name to a great extent. maybe in 10 years a Williams Razor will command as much or more than a Livi. Look at the Zowada razors. There doesn't appear to be alot of workmanship in those to command the prices they go for but he has the name.

    If you just concerned with a great shaving razor there is no need to even consider razors like these.
    I understand you completely!

    I suffer from the inability to determine the difference from what I need and what I want. When I was a young ladd, my father used to say to me, "son, your intelligent, but you not very G_d D__ned Smart!"

    (and he was right)

  9. #9
    Nemo Me Impune Lacesset gratewhitehuntr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Hey GW,
    looking at those scales I would say you are an artist in your own right!!
    So tell me....when are we going to see blades stamped with GW

    I don't know if you are joking or not but I am perfecting the horn working process right now and expect to be offering scale blanks next month and finished scales in maybe 2 or 3 months.

    Those were my first scales ever and I was a little embarrassed to post that pic since they aren't quite up to my standards.
    I need to find a better way to produce the inside radius.

    I hope to produce finished blades within the next year.

    My goal in life is to have Livi as my cabana boy.


    just kidding....glad you liked them

  10. #10
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Well that's a toughie... Eventually I'll end up with a Chandler, Williams and Livi (in that order).. Already placed an order with Joe as I'm a happy regrind customer, I love his customs, he's been answering my stupid questions for years (even now lol) and the pricing was a major factor (it's really too low for that level of quality). Robert's also been very helpful to me and his work is truly outstanding, so he's next in line. The Livi will come more as a nod to Lynn and to satisfy my morbid curiosity. Based on the comments in the community, they all produce outstanding shavers, so you can't go wrong with either of the 3 (yes 3 ) choices.

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