I know you guys like seeing photos of newly acquired razors. I know that I do. Here is a picture of my latest acquisition, a Wacker 6/8 Alround with beautiful horn scales. Another fine addition to my collection.

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Although sold as a 6/8" blade, the blade measures a full 13/16", which is just fine by me as I like larger blades. It is a full hollow grind with highly polished blade. The edge was shave ready from the factory. Matt at Griffith Shaving Goods will hone them if desirer, but he recommends that you try the Wacker factory edge. I stropped 10 strokes on cotton canvas, 10 strokes on linen, and 30 strokes on leather and then shaved. I got a nice shave. After the shave, I decided to strop ten strokes on 0.50 CBN paste to make the edge just a bit keener, but for many, the factory edge would be suitable.

The scales are quite attractive. As natural horn, they have a lot of streaks, spots, etc. They can vary from blonde to black with no guarantee of what you will get in the way of color. The scales were well polished. The "wedge" has little if any taper; it is more of a spacer. The blade centers perfectly between the scales.

The only minor problem with the razor is that the horn scales had a definite funk when I first opened package. However, after a few hours, the funk seems to be dissipating, so I do not think that is going to be an issue.

I how have two Wacker razors: a 15/16" Old Sheffield and this 13/16" Alround. Both are wonderful razors. Heribert Wacker is getting up in years. There is no telling when he will have to discontinue crafting razors, so get yours while they are still available.