I'm very new to the world of straight razors, and wet shaving. I've read most of the stuff in the library and have gathered that the 3 bigs, Dovo, Boker, and Thiers-Issard, are the most sought after brands. I was curious what are the Razors everyone wants? Whats the Action Comics #1 of razors, and whats the "hot new model." I understand most of it comes down to preference, but I am curious to hear everyones response. What do you feel separates those top 3 from the other brands, and what do you think the difference between the 3 are in relation to each other? Aside from giving a good shave, what makes a good razor? What do you look for? What size do you prefer and why (I ask that because I'm new and I have no idea what any other size does or doesn't do.) Who's the historian on here that can fill me in an everything straight razor?