As a relatively new comer to SR Shaving I was just wondering what problems and difficulties you had to endure and overcome and the lessons you learned for yourself, to get that just so shave!?!

For me the most frustrating part was how to attack various parts of the face ie which way to come at certain areas and how I need to get my hand into position. Plus being and feeling comfortable in making the desired stroke!?! This can take many shaves untill you get it right for you!?!

One of the most important lessons I have learned on my journey is once the RAZOR touches your face to shave and you feel it's NOT quite in the right place, DON'T change your mind, continue with that stroke or REMOVE the razor and replace it as desired!!! Every time I have put the razor on my face and thought hmmm it just needs to be a little more over I inevitably move the razor and as if by magic the red stuff immediately appears!?! Surprisingly this was the lesson that took the longest to learn!?!

The other thing I found is that moving the SR on smooth skin is very easy and comfortable! So to be able to play/practice and get the feel, I found if you have the odd shave with your DE Safety razor or a Cartridge razor and then when smooth lather up and use the SR, as there is no tugging of whiskers the blade moves nice and freely giving you an unhindered feel and a better chance to determine the best way to attack you face thus building confidence!

Just some of my findings and thoughts.