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  1. #1
    Senior Member toolarts's Avatar
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    Default Can't Sell My Razors. Help!!!!!!!!!

    I have a bunch of really nice razors.

    Shuredges, Droeschers, Bismarck, Clauss, a Gold Bug, three Red Imps, one DD, and a slew of Genco, inc. Easy Access. And now a beautiful King Karbon.

    I can't sell them.

    No, It's not that they won't sell, it's just that when I take them out to photograph them and advertise them somewhere, they jump back in the drawer before I can get the picture.

    I have three Droeschers that border on NOS. They shave very nicely. I take them out and look at them, trying to decide which to let go of. All I can think of is how sorry I will be to see one of them go, and that's it.

    Anyone know of a good therapist that can help me with this problem?

    Seriously, how many razors do you guys end up with before you are able to sell one?


  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolarts View Post
    I have a bunch of really nice razors.

    Shuredges, Droeschers, Bismarck, Clauss, a Gold Bug, three Red Imps, one DD, and a slew of Genco, inc. Easy Access. And now a beautiful King Karbon.

    I can't sell them.

    No, It's not that they won't sell, it's just that when I take them out to photograph them and advertise them somewhere, they jump back in the drawer before I can get the picture.

    I have three Droeschers that border on NOS. They shave very nicely. I take them out and look at them, trying to decide which to let go of. All I can think of is how sorry I will be to see one of them go, and that's it.

    Anyone know of a good therapist that can help me with this problem?

    Seriously, how many razors do you guys end up with before you are able to sell one?


    That was great thank you, Paul I needed a good laugh on a crappy day at work...
    Seriously I think the requisite number before you feel no remorse is 15 two for each day of your 7 day rotation and the one extra to sell. However this depends on how bad your RAD has set in and time since onset..In my particular case the disorder was well established so I required the 4 razors per day for a 7 day rotation (29th razor could be sold) before the thought of selling anything ever crossed my mind.... I say crossed my mind, not one razor was sold until felt comfortable at my 50th razor it was the 7 by 7 rotation plus 1 razor that I felt OK with selling one

  3. #3
    Mr. Meat Helmet Amyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolarts View Post
    Seriously, how many razors do you guys end up with before you are able to sell one?
    If you see read the commandments of RAD commandment number 4 says

    "Thou shall not sell thy blades until thee gathers 2 fortnights of blades"

    so approximately 30 str8s

  4. #4
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    Easy solution. We'll start real slow. First, just take one of them, pick at random so you don't have to agonize over it. Now quick, while you still have momentum going, ship it straight to me. I won't even pay you, so it won't feel like you're selling it. More like I'm borrowing it... except I won't give it back. Once you've broken the seal, per se, it should be easy to sell some of the remaining ones.

  5. #5
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    I have three Droeschers that border on NOS. They shave very nicely. I take them out and look at them, trying to decide which to let go of. All I can think of is how sorry I will be to see one of them go, and that's it.
    The problem is you are looking at it the wrong way... you need 4 more to make a set.

    as for selling, my collection varies between 10 and 30, depending. I generally won't keep a razor for more than a week or two to try it out unless it is of exceptional quality. some I have to sell right away, or I know I won't sell them at all. But when you hit 30, you will se that you don't use certain ones, and it doesn't hurt to let them go... besides if you sell one you can always buy another.

  6. #6
    Senior Member bjrn's Avatar
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    I'm willing to help you. The therapy I would recommend in this case is exposure therapy. In case you haven't heard of this before, it's centered around exposing you to the things you fear. Since I am a kind, generous and extraordinarily humble man, I won't charge you a dime!

    First we start off by having you send me one nice razor. Then two, then three and so on. Until I have about half your razors. Then perhaps we can start selling the rest.

    I will also gladly help anyone else with this unfortunate disorder.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Jlander's Avatar
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    Don't look my way for help.

    I have 61 and three on the way.

    I just can't kick the children out.

    Nemo me impune lacessit

  8. #8
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    I agree with the rest of the guys , if you can't sell your razors then give them to me . I'll decide which ones to keep and which ones to sell .
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

  9. #9
    Mocha Man mischievous's Avatar
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    Let's try some Hypnotherapy.

    Follow my finger

    Your getting sleepy.....

    Your eyelids are heavy....

    You're feeling like everything will become clearer when you sell me your DD....

    Now look into my eyes

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