Hello all,

So the SRP Limited Ed. TI I purchased from ClassicShaving.com arrived this afternoon. This one in-particular, #179, is... well, quite the disappointment. The scales on both sides are damaged near the hinge pin, the blade itself has one huge spot where the craftsman just "missed" when polishing, and to top it all off... the blade has a pronounced frown!

All for the bargain price of @ $165... I have seldom felt so let down.

So I wrote them an email and told them the deal and they have offered to refund/replace the razor, as well as refund the cost of shipping back to them... good business and all, but I'm kinda wondering if I should just cut my losses now and move on.

Has it been the experience of other members here that TI has such shoty workmanship? I mean I have heard of some QA problems... and the "drunk monkey" they have pinning blades on certain days... but jeez... it can't really be that bad?

Can it?
