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Thread: 5/8 short blade

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  1. #1
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    Default 5/8 short blade

    I'm interested in finding a short blade 5/8 razor. Most of the ones I see have a 3" blade or around that. I'd like to find a shorter one, say about 2 1/2" or so. My current razor is a 4/8 with a blade of 2 7/8" length, very nice but really I only ever use the front two inches of the blade. I know that some like a huge razor, like the one in the Laurel and Hardy movie but I prefer small and light.

  2. #2
    Senior Member smythe's Avatar
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    You may want to post in B/S/T...

    5/8th and up "shorties" are usually accidents... the tip gets chipped or broken and is carefully ground down to a shorter blade.... I have only one but I am hesitant to part with it... damn good shaver... with beautiful blond scales to fit the shorter size.

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