I was tempted to post an answer on the classifieds as to why Ducks are not commanding very high prices at the moment, but thought it unfair to the seller.

Well DD's were DOVO's made for the American market. They give a normal shave, but they are not "special". They certainly are not worth a premium price against the current DOVO production and the silly prices people will ask and pay for a normal razor has always both astonished and amazed me.
OK for collectors, I understand. OK for "Americans" because they are special to the USA. But special daily shavers..... no way.

Two other overpriced razors Are DORKO and PUMA. Better quality than DD's but the price they command is far in excess of the shave quality. Vintage Wade and Butcher wide blade razors also seam to fall into the same camp.

Historically, these razors were not top of the price range and why they are today is something that if I understood, I would be a very rich.

I don't intend to list my list of "good" razors for three reasons:
If I list them, it will likely overhype the prices.
If people fail to recognise quality and rely on hype and price to make up for their own research, well more fool them.
There are some I have not tried yet.

Any body any comments?