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  1. #1
    Doc is offline
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    Default while hunting for razors

    I think that we all have a tendency to hit antique shops and flea markets with one thought in mind. Find as many razors as possible. But I would like to encourage as many of you as possible to spend a little extra time and see if any razor catalogs or department store catalogs are for sell there as well. The majority of razors companies are shut down never to be heard of again and unless we as razor enthusiasts start to gather this information together we stand the risk of knowing next to nothing about these razors and company's in a few generations. So please ask for and keep an eye out for historical texts about razors as you are hunting about. And if possible scan those texts and share it here where it can be gathered in one place for outers to find and use.

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  3. #2
    Journeyman Curmudgeon
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    New guy here, old f**t with razors. Another great source for both razors and literature is the many knife collector shows. Sometimes overpriced, mostly due to ignorance, I think, but usually negotiable. I have found some really nice razors at knife shows (Wade & Butcher, a like new Keen Kutter still in original box, etc.) Many of the people at the shows are VERY knowlegeable about a lot of the manufacturers. Worth checking out.

  4. #3
    Doc is offline
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    thanks for those ideas!

  5. #4
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeyr View Post
    New guy here, old f**t with razors. Another great source for both razors and literature is the many knife collector shows. Sometimes overpriced, mostly due to ignorance, I think, but usually negotiable. I have found some really nice razors at knife shows (Wade & Butcher, a like new Keen Kutter still in original box, etc.) Many of the people at the shows are VERY knowlegeable about a lot of the manufacturers. Worth checking out.
    I hit the gun/knife shows occasionally as I can find Dremel attachments at very good prices. I will check out the knife guys. I usually find Chinese razors from most of these guys. I did bump into one guy that had a Genco box in great shape but he had a Pakistani razor in it and thought it was worth $75.00. I did point out to him that as far as I knew, Genco never used Paki razors.

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