Well, you buy enough stuff off of ebay, and it's bound to happen sometime: you get burned. Or in this case, your razor does.

I stumbled on what appeared to be a Dubl Duck in good condition. Check it out here: TinyURL.com - eBay Auction - DUBL DUCK PEARLDUCK SATINEDGE STRAIGHT RAZOR GERMANY

It finally showed up yesterday. What you can't see in those ebay pictures, is the fact that the blade has been exposed to such extreme heat, it has heat discoloration covering the entire blade. I think someone heated it up in an attempt to straighten the blade. They failed that, too.

So now I'm left with a roasted duck: discolored, twisted blade that has probably had it's temper destroyed by the heat.

I wonder if it's even worth wasting the time on honing it.

Also, I have no idea what to do about giving the seller feedback. Opinions?