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  1. #1
    str8s for life
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    Default Do TI hollow singing need a different approach?

    I've been using straights a little over a month now. I bought a Feather DX and a Lynn-honed Dovo 5/8" full hollow stainless. Only took a few shaves to realize the superior comfort of the Dovo, so I've pretty much retired the Feather. Nearly instantly the Dovo worked like a charm and my skills grew.

    After ~2+ weeks of regular use it seemed to lose a touch of the bite it had originally. So I bought a sharpening strop and some diamond paste in 1/2 and 1 micron size, and a few dozen laps on each side of that plus the regular strop seemed to take the Dovo right back to its original bliss.

    For no good reason I bought a lovely looking TI 5/8" singing model (reputedly Lynn-honed). And nearly coincidentally, I put a small nick on the Dovo's edge somehow, so that'll have to be sidelined until I get it honed.

    The 1st shave today with the TI was horrid. I could hear it scraping across whiskers, but nothing was coming off unless I put undue pressure upon my face, and even then it was far from a clean sweep after a WTG/XTG/ATG (where skin allows) method. I was shaving much the same as w/ the Dovo, but ended up putting the TI aside.

    Do singing blades require more pressure, a steeper angle, or some other technique to get great results?
    Last edited by kwigibocity; 01-26-2009 at 03:59 PM. Reason: intent clarifies

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