I bought a Henry Nicholson & Sons razor off the 'bay a couple weeks ago for pretty cheap - under $10. Figured I'd pick up something cheap to use to practice my honing skills on without worrying about damaging a really nice blade. When I got the razor, I was astounded at what good condition it was in. There was slight pitting on the shank, but nothing serious. It looked like someone had taken the blade to a wired wheel and taken the rust off, 'cause you can see the scratch marks - nothing I'm too worried about right now. The scales are in excellent condition. I'm inclined to think that they're original. Although there's no marking on the scales as to the manufacturer, they have domed pins throughout. Either the scales are original, or the blade was restored by someone who knew what they were doing. However, I figure that if someone took the time to use domed pins, they wouldn't have left the scratch marks on the blade....or sold it for so cheap. The edge is sharp but nowhere near shave ready. Couple of nicks, but nothing too horrible.

I'm wondering if anyone knows anything about the razor. I did a google search a couple of times, but I couldn't find anything relevant or helpful. Is Henry Nicholson & Sons a razor manufacturer, or a client of someone else? There's no other markings on the shank...
