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    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    Default Schick Quattro w/ Titanium Trimmer! Need a Manscaper?

    So being a member of a frat, we get free stuff all the time intended as promotion... I guess the idea is we'll get hooked and end up buying more, or tell our friends or something. Anyway, We just got a box of quattros with the electric trimmer at the end. I did do it the justice of a test shave, but ended up throwing the cartridge out. Where it really shines is manscaping. Any area you don't want to clear cut with the straight, and don't want to buy a body hair trimmer for, you really can't beat the trimmer part. At $10, I would buy it for the trimmer. The razor... I do better with my fusion and mach3. Five blades is more comfortable and easier than four, and the mach three feels the same but gets closer (fewer blades, duh). ANYWAY... I guess their marketing worked...

    It's even waterproof. It is a bit finicky on the longer settings, but that doesn't bother me.
    Last edited by khaos; 06-08-2009 at 04:33 AM. Reason: Added some.

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